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Grace Lutheran Church
Student Parking Registration
Student Parking FAQ
Is there any parking still available?
Parking is available for the whole academic year (Fall, Spring & Summer) beginning July 1.
Parking is available for the Fall Semester ONLY beginning around July 1.
Parking for the Spring Semester ONLY will be available around December 1.
Parking for the Summer Semester ONLY will be available in May.
How do I apply for parking?
Parking permits are available for online registration and payment which includes a non refundable processing fees.
Parking Registration is on a first come first served basis; the online form will automatically close when all the spots are taken.
Permits will be mailed or can be picked up at the Grace office as indicated in the application.
Can I register for more than one semester at a time?​​​
Yes! Typically around July 1 you can register for the whole academic year (Fall, Spring and Summer).
​Anyone interested in registering for Spring ONLY will need to check back for availability in December.
Anyone interested in registering for Summer ONLY will need to check back for availability in May.
Where is student parking located?
Student parking is located just off of Tracy Circle behind Grace Lutheran Church in lots #2 & #3 (MAP)
Can I park in Grace lots 24/7?
No. Parking hours are 7 pm Sunday through 9 pm Friday. Vehicles cannot be left in the lots over the weekend.
Can my friend/significant other/family member/acquaintance park in my spot?
No. The parking permit is only valid for the vehicle registered with us.
What should I do if the lot is full?
If the assigned student parking lots are full, you may park in the church's lower lot AND contact the church office.
What about game day parking?
Student parking permits do not include game day parking. Game day parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis for a free will donation.
I have a question that hasn't been answered here, whom should I contact?
Direct other questions or concerns to our Facilities Manager, Jennifer Stamey, at facilities@graceboone.org or call the church office (828-264-2206 ext. 104)
Please note that summer only parking is available for $100. Please call Jennifer for more information.