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Call to Action

On this page you will find upcoming service opportunities for the entire faith community and guests to take part in if they so choose.  As Christians we believe that we are called by God to love our neighbors and to help out wherever and whenever we can. This page is dedicated to making sure that all information about congregational service opportunities is readily available. Below are various service projects with pressing deadlines. Grace supports many ministries that are working throughout the year towards a common goal. For more information concerning ongoing projects check out the "Outreach Ministries" Page.

Grace reaches out into the community in many ways. Help make our impact even greater.   Check out the donation boxes in the Fellowship Hall:
•    Diaper Drive: Provide diapers and wipes for families who can't afford them.
•    Non-perishable Food Items:  With schools out for the summer, many children are hungry and can get food through the Health & Hunger Coalition.
•    Used Prescription Bottles: The Community Care Clinic sterilizes and re-labels prescription bottles with medications for people who can't afford them.

We provide funds to ensure at least one meal a month to those for the Hospitality House. Click HERE for information about this ministry and future menu needs.

Wood Lot Work Days!

Tuesdays, 8:30-12:30 at the woodlot,

next to Hospitality House

Join us as we help our neighbors in need by cutting and splitting firewood for the cold winter months. Jobs for all skill levels and abilities are available. Work continues throughout the summer on Tuesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the woodlot, located next to Hospitality House.

ways to donate

Community Care Clinic – Donations to pay for medications/supplies. 


The Children’s Council – Diapers, formula, art supplies, meals for groups, developmental toys, and healthy snacks.


Hospitality House – T-shirt, socks, underwear, tops/pants, blankets, twin sheets, pillows/cases, toiletries, over the counter medications. Any kitchen staples, fresh fruits, eggs & bacon. 80 people are served each meal.  


Hunger & Health Coalition - Non-perishable food items, fruits and vegetables, clothing, blankets, unopened non-controlled medication.


OASIS – Diapers/wipes, women’s clothes, children’s clothing for 5-12 year olds, new bras/underwear, shoes, towels, feminine products, toiletries, gift cards for $20 for gas, gift cards for food, and Walmart gift cards.


Pastor’s Discretionary Fund – Donate any amount for the unforeseen needs of the congregation or community. Place a check in the offering plate and mark it “Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.”


Watauga Habitat for Humanity – Donations for the Apostles Build for 2016.

Donate gently used household items to the ReStore (no clothes).  


Watauga Humane Society – Blankets, dog and cat food, cash donations. 


WeCAN - Donations for Watauga Crisis Assistance Network which is a clearinghouse  for assistance for utility cutoffs, heating fuel, and eviction prevention to prevent homelessness and stabilize families.  

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