2020 - Charleston, South Carolina
During the 2019-2020 school year, the Lutheran Students of Appalachian went to Charleston, SC. We were joined by the Lutheran students of The Well at Virginia Tech. Our two campus ministries shared a house in the Isle of Palms for a week and volunteered with Habitat for Humanity. In our free time, we explored Charleston and all of the major tourist spots, including the Market, and Riley Waterfront Park, and ate some great seafood. We also met up with NC State and College of Charleston campus ministries for a Ghost Tour. Before heading home, we closed out our time together with communion on the beach
2019 - Holden Village, Washington
During the 2018-2019 school year, the Lutheran Students of Appalachian went to Seattle, WA and Holden Village.
We explored Seattle and all of the major tourist spots, including the Space Needle, Chihuly Exhibit, Museum of Pop Culture, and Pacific Science Center. We enjoyed worship at University Lutheran, a Reconciling in Christ congregation.
We then drove 4 hours, took an hour long ferry ride, and an hour long bus ride to the remote Holden Village. While in the beautiful Cascades, we played in 6 feet of snow, some students learned how to ski and loom, and led Holden Evening Prayer for the village.
2018 - Chicago, Illinois
March 3 – 10, LSA went to Chicago for our Spring Break trip. We stayed at the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago and explored the city through its museums and popular places. We will also had several opportunities for service and learning while we served the homeless in Chicago, one time sitting down for a meal with them.
2017 - Wittenberg, Germany
This year LSA traveled back to Wittenberg, Germany in celebration and study of the 500th year of Reformation.
Just to give you a little preview, here is the list of places we saw while abroad!
Berlin via City Bus Tour – Check-point Charlie, the T.V. tower, Brandenburg Gate
Wittenberg – Castle Church for service in German, Lutherhaus, Melanchthonhaus
Quedlinburg – A medieval village with more than 1600 timber houses
Weimar – Buchenwald Concentration Camp (emotionally moving!)
Eisenach – Wartburg Castle and Bachhaus
Halle – Oldest German Chocolate Factory and Museum
2016 - Johns Island, SC
This past year, we traveled to Johns Island, SC to work with Rural Mission, a non-profit organization that works to provide safe and quality housing for low-income folks on the islands. We painted, trimmed porches, and got to know the home owners and Rural Mission staff. We also took time to see the sights in Charleston, eat oysters, and enjoy the beach!
2015 - Jacksonville, FL
Our trip to Jacksonville, Florida was a great experience. We worked with Lutheran Immigration Services as we got to see a little bit of the journey new immigrants to the United States undertake once they arrive here.
2014 - Holden Village, Washington
Our trip to Holden Village in the Cascade Mountains in Washington was full of adventure and a lot of snowshoeing. It was a treat to spend time at Holden Village where we felt close to God through engaging worship opportunities.
2013 - Wittenberg, Germany
On our trip to Germany we helped a church in Wittenberg get ready for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.