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Sunday School

Here at Grace Lutheran Church we feel passionately about making sure that we provide opportunities for all age groups to grow in their faith.  On Sunday mornings from 9:45am-10:45am we provide Christian Educational opportunities for all ages. Our hope is to also begin equipping families to take faith home and to help them intentionally spend time together forming faith every day of the week, using this time on Sunday mornings to supplement what happens in the home.

PreK - 2nd & 3rd-5th Grade Sunday School

Elementary School aged children are invited to join the Sunday School classes for a new year of fun! Currently the children are using the Spark Curriculum. This is a fun and exciting way to study the Bible. Each story is told through drama, art, music and other fun ways to help each child learn in his or her own way.  Children will meet in the upstairs Sunday School classrooms from 9:45 until 10:45 a.m. 

6th-8th Grade Confirmation Classes

SS - Confirmation

Middle school students at Grace Lutheran focus on preparation for their Confirmation, a public profession of their faith. The three-year program begins when they are in the 6th grade, and concludes when they are in the 8th grade, when they are confirmed on Pentecost Sunday. With Confirmation the students take on the responsibilities of the five baptismal promises their parents made for them at their baptism:
                                                                               1) To live among God's faithful people, 
                                                                               2) To hear the Word of God and share in the Lord's Supper,
                                                                               3) To proclaim the Good News of God in Christ through word and deed,
                                                                               4) To serve all people, following the example of Jesus,
                                                                               5) And to strive for justice and peace in all the earth.



High School Sunday School

The high school class is using "Echo the Story". In it, students experience the Biblical narrative though storytelling, creative reflection, and dialogue. In each session the youth watch an animated video, sketch and write, listen, and then discuss their perspectives. This gives them multiple ways to find themselves in the greater story.

Adult Sunday Offerings

Currently we are offering two Adult Faith Formation opportunities on Sunday mornings. Even if you are a visitor, or have not attended any of the previous classes we encourage you to jump right in and give either of them a try. The two topics being discussed right now are...

  • Christianity & Culture  (class located downstairs in the Old Fellowship Hall)
         For 2000 years, there has been a back and forth relationship between the                two: 
    Cultures have shaped Christianity, and Christianity has shaped the cultures      in its path. Art, music, architecture, literature, and ritual ceremony have all              evolved in a relationship with the church. Public worship became a liturgy with        elements taken from theatre and drama. Cathedrals soared. Sculpture, music,          and painting focused on the divine for centuries. With the Enlightenment, the        secular cultural forms emerged. Where are we today in this relationship?

  • Augsburg Adult Bible Studies   (class located in the Chapel adjacent to the Sanctuary)
          March - April - May: The Gift of Faith (a study of the Gospels of Mark & Luke)

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