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Faith at Home
Here at Grace we believe that faith is built through personal trusted relationships often in the home. As such this page has many easy to use resources for practicing faith from the comfort of your own home.
Going to a worship service once a week is great, but it shouldn't be the only source of faith formation. We encourage you to try some of these resources with the family at home throughout the week!
We also have additional devotional resources available at the church building as well.
This daily devotion takes only three minutes and is designed to help you center yourself for the day with peaceful music, pictures, Bible verses, and reflections.
This daily devotional resource reflects on a new theme each week that is based on the Revised Common Lectionary. d365 aims to inspire youth and young adults to live a relevant faith in a changing and complex world.
Pray As You Go provides daily prayer based on a reading for the day wherever you are. Pray As You Go is available on iOS and Android devices.
Vibrant Faith @ Home is a fantastic site that has activities, Bible studies, caring conversation starters, prayer resources, easy to do service ideas, educational opportunities, and helpful articles/blog posts for ALL ages! Make sure you check out this amazing resource for Faith Formation at Home!